In this page there are multiple vocabulary words that appear in Esperanza Rising. These words include definitions and the page which they are seen on to help you comprehend the book.

- is to approach and address boldly (page 114)

Anguish- to cause or suffer physical or mental pain (page 208)

Antiseptic- to be sterile or free from contamination (page 231)

Atrocious- very bad or unpleasent (page 141)

Capricious- to be unpredictable (page 13)

Condolences- an expression of sympathy (page 26)

Contorted- to twist or force out of normal shape (page 229)

Demeanor- a behavior or bearing (page 82)

Devoutly- to apply or give over (page 215)

Discreetly- (page 49)

Disembarked- to put or go ashore or land from a ship or aircraft (page 81)

Dwindled- ro become gradually less or smaller (page 21)

Encrusted- covered with crust

Extravagent- wild or outrageous (page 134)

Hesitantly- to show or feel uncertainty, pause in doubt (page 76)

Immigration - to come as a permanent resident into a country (page 170)

Mesmerized- to hypnotize (page 64)

Monotonous- lacking in variety (page 72)

Nimbly- quick and light in movement or action (191)

Perspiration- sweat, dampness, or wetness (page 237)

Reluctantly- unwilling or disinclined (page 191)

Scorched- burned or discolored the surface with dry heat (page 141) 

Serenaded- a peice of music sung or played mostly at night (page 9)

Smoldering- burn slowly without a flame (page 43)

Sprawled- to sit, lie, or fall with limbs flung out or in an ungainly way (page 11)

Squalor- the state of being filthy or squalid (page 194)

Symphonies- elaborate sound (page 247) 

Unrelenting- unmerciful (page 116)

- physical strength or energy, forcefulness (page 114)

Writhing-  act of twisting (page 202)