? Matching Mystery ? 

  Match each word with its definition by plugging in the letter next to its matching vocabulary word.

1. squalor                                                                                 a. to burn without a flame

2. smoldering                                                                          b. to be filthy

1. dwindled    ___                                                                       a. to cause pain

2. contorted     ___                                                                       b. approaching boldly

3. mesmerized     ___                                                                 c. physical energy

4. scorched     ___                                                                       d. to be sterile

5. antiseptic     ___                                                                       e. to become smaller

6. nimbly     ___                                                                             f. burnt or discolored

7. accosting     ___                                                                       g. to twist out of shape

8. symphonies     ___                                                                  h. light in movement

9. anguish     ___                                                                           i. hypnotized

10. vigorously     ___                                                                     j. elaborate sound